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Appomattox (VA)
Podróż: Ameryka 2012 (2) - Północ-Południe
Appomattox, Wirginia, Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki , Ameryka Północna
- Cmentarz wojenny pod Appomattox.
"From the silence of sorrowful hours
The desolate mourners go,
Lovingly laden with flowers
Alike for the friend and the foe;
Under the sod and the dew,
Waiting the judgement-day;
Under the roses, the Blue,
Under the lilies, the Gray.
No more shall the war cry sever,
Or the winding rivers be red;
They banish our anger forever
When they laurel the graves of our dead!
Under the sod and the dew,
Waiting the judgment-day,
Love and tears for the Blue,
Tears and love for the Gray."
(Francis Miles Finch)