Podróż W Kraju Ajatollachow - Tak jest, Panie Ministrze!


Przy wyjazdach w "ciekawe" regiony swiata zazwyczaj staram sie chociaz pobieznie przejrzec opisy krajow bedacych celem kolejnej podrozy przygotowne przez sekcje konsularne polskiego i brytyjskiego ministerstwa spraw zagranicznych. Oczywiscie, takie dokumenty trzeba czytac z odpowiednim dystansem, aby nie dostac zawalu serca. Oto kilka zdan z dokumentu Foreign and Commonwealth Office dotyczacego Iranu:

There is a general threat from terrorism. Explosions have killed a number of people since 2005. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by expatriate and foreign travellers, and you should remain vigilant.

You should avoid demonstrations and similar large public gatherings, as some may turn violent.

If you are planning to travel to Iran you should monitor political developments closely and check this advice regularly.

A series of incidents in recent years have demonstrated that there is a risk of arbitrary arrest and detention by the Iranian authorities. In these and other cases involving foreign nationals, the Iranian authorities do not always fully meet their international consular obligations.

Iran has one of the highest rates of road accidents in the world.

(text by fl)

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