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Spacer na plaży Pacifiku – poszukiwanie SAND DOLLAR w piasku
Podróż: Miasto hippisów i pelikanów
San Francisco, Kalifornia, Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki , Ameryka Północna
- There is a legend in this land
About a dollar made of sand.
How much it's worth I've not been told,
To me it's worth much more than gold.
The Sand Dollar, so they tell,
Is also called "Holy Ghost Shell".
It's fascinating as can be
This shell that come forth from the sea.
Picture of Sand Dollar
A religious story it does tell,
This fragile, lovely piece of shell,
Christ's birth, His death, how He rose again,
Can all be found in this white sand.
An Easter lily - a five pointed star,
Five narrow slits, there they are
Like the spear wound and holes from nails,
Just look at that! It never fails.
A Christmas poinsettia and also the bell
Are found on the opposite side of the shell.
Inside the shell, when it is broken,
Are five little birds - another token.
Five little birds called "Doves of Peace"
To teach us we should never cease
To love and help our fellow man,
The lesson is here - right in the sand.
Sand Dollars tell a story old,
They are worth much more than gold.
As friends like you, and all that is free,
They are a treasure ... at least, to me.
Dorothy Persons Plummer