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Gettysburg (PA)
Podróż: Ameryka 2012 (2) - Północ-Południe
Gettysburg, Pensylwania, Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki , Ameryka Północna
- Na polach bitewnych ustawiono wiele pomników upamiętniających dowódców i jednostki wojskowe obu walczących stron.
"But who shall break the guards that wait
Before the awful face of Fate?
The tattered standards of the South
Were shriveled at the cannon's mouth,
And all her hopes were desolate.
In vain the Tennessean set
His breast against the bayonet;
In vain Virginia charged and raged,
A tigress in her wrath uncaged,
Till all the hill was red and wet!
Above the bayonets, mixed and crossed,
Men saw a gray, gigantic ghost
Receding through the battle-cloud,
And heard across the tempset loud
The death-cry of a nation lost!"
(Will Henry Thompson)