• Gettysburg (PA)
  • Na polach bitewnych ustawiono wiele pomników upamiętniających dowódców i jednostki wojskowe obu walczących stron.

    "The brave went down! Without disgrace

    They leaped to Ruin's red embrace;

    They heard Fame's thunders wake,

    And saw the dazzling sun-burst break

    In smiles on Glory's bloody face!

    They fell, who lifted up a hand

    And bade the sun in heaven to stand;

    They smote and fell, who set the bars

    Against the progress of the stars,

    And stayed the march of Motherland!

    They stood, who saw the future come

    On through the fight's delirium;

    They smote and stood, who held the hope

    Of nations on that slippery slope

    Amid the cheers of Christendom."

    (Will Henry Thompson)



Leszek Michorowski
Punkty: 506765