• Argentyna 0038
  • Buenos Aires - grobowiec rodziny Duarte na cmentarzu La Recoleta. Tablica upamietniajaca slynna Evite Peron, zone prezydenta Argentyny, Perona (rozslawiona przez musical Evita)


  1. city_hopper
    city_hopper (04.03.2011 23:22) +4
    Mi się najbardziej podobał ten utwór w wykonaniu Sinead O'Connor :-)
  2. lmichorowski
    lmichorowski (05.09.2010 1:00) +7
    ...And as for fortune, and as for fame
    I never invited them in
    Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired.
    They are illusions,
    They are not the solutions they promissed to be.
    The answer was here all the time -
    I love you and hope you love me...

    (z musicalu "Evita")


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